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How Often Should I Have Furnace Tune-Up Services?


St. Michael HVACThey are often tucked away in the basement or someplace out of sight and out of mind. It is natural and easy to forget about your furnace, but it is a natural habit that many people need to break. For the sake of efficiency and safety make that mental note (or better yet a physical one). The furnace is an important component to any home, and maintenance is easy and usually cheap. There are a few things you should keep in mind about your furnace.

How Often Should I Change My Furnace Filter?

The most routine component of your furnace system is the filter. But do not confuse routine with unimportant. It is routine because it is important. There are many factors, such as pets or smoking habits, that affect the longevity of a filter which may require more frequent changes. Generally, however, the average filter will need to be replaced about once every month.

The more clogged your filter is the harder the furnace has to work so do not underestimate the money saving effects a simple procedure like a filter change can bring. The filter is also responsible for the air quality in your home. The cleaner your filter, the better you will breathe. Contact an HVAC service if you have any questions about procedure.

Should I Have My Furnace Checked Each Year?
The biggest problem with most home furnaces is lack of maintenance. It has already been established how essential they are to your home and comfort. Monthly filter changes are a good start, but for true longevity and efficiency it is important to have an expert inspect your heating and ventilation systems at least once each year.

The health of your furnace is much like your personal health. You should routinely have check-ups to ensure everything is running smoothly. HVAC specialists will keep your furnace working for decades and keep them running at peak efficiency. It is also essential to safety. A routine furnace inspection can detect carbon monoxide leaks or other dangers to the safety of your home.

The cost of the typical inspection is far, far cheaper than having to replace a furnace that has been left unattended. When cold weather begins to strike the last thing a home needs is for their heating to drop out. The first sign of chilly weather is a good reminder to call in for an inspection.

Keep an open spot in your mind for the maintenance of your furnace. This will not only save money on heating bills, but will keep the home comfortable and safe.

Serving your St. Michael community everyday. Give B & D Plumbing, Heating & AC, Inc. a call at (763) 497-2290 for guaranteed quality furnace inspection services!