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Don’t "Bite The Dust” This Spring!


Winter is over, and spring is finally here again! For some, spring is the most beautiful time of the entire year, with flowers in bloom everywhere you look. For others, however, spring signals the start of allergy season- a time when the excessive dust and pollen count make life nearly unbearable.

While you may not be able to do anything about the dust in the air outside, B & D Plumbing is here to give you a few pointers about how you can keep your air clean, so you won’t feel like you’re biting the dust this spring!

Keeping Your Air Quality in Check

healthissuesTo begin with, it's essential that you understand what it means to have "good air quality" and what kinds of repercussions poor air quality can have on your health.

Good air quality just means that the air in your home is clean and free from dust, mold, pollen, and other airborne allergens (or as free from them as possible, since the air will never be 100% pure).

Aside from aggravating allergies and making your nose congested, dust in the air around you can also cause eye and throat irritation, as well as causing your skin to feel itchy too.

If you’ve noticed any of these symptoms, it may be because the air quality in your home is not where it should be. What can you do to remedy this? You can begin by checking your air filter.

Replacing Your Air Filter

airfilterThe filter in your HVAC unit is what catches dust, pollen, dirt, dander, mold spores, etc. as they enter your home, to prevent them from circulating through the rest of your HVAC system and into the different rooms of your house.

Over time, the filter can become clogged with everything it has collected. In order to make sure your filter works its best when you need it most, you should be replacing it about every two to three months.

If you have a reusable filter, you can still take it out and clean it every two to three months. During the spring, when dust and pollen counts are on the rise, it may be a good idea to change or clean your filter more often- about once a month.

Maintaining Clean Air

Now that you’ve changed your air filter (and have another filter on standby to do it again in a few weeks), you can begin to reap the benefits of having clean air in your home once again. Some of those benefits include:

  • breatheeasyLess dust settling on your furniture and floors.
  • Fewer complications related to allergies.
  • Your home no longer smells moldy or stale.
  • Your eyes and skin don’t feel itchy or irritated anymore.

Now you know a little bit more about why good air quality is important, and how it can benefit you every day, and now it's time to do something about it. Don't let dust and pollen in the air around you make you "bite the dust" on all the fun this spring!

That's not what Queen would want for you. Give B & D Plumbing a call today at (763) 497-2290 to speak with one of our professional HVAC technicians about air quality services in St. Michael, MN!