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Why changing your air filter is essential to your AC unit


St. Michael AC MaintenanceThe age old saying that "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" is usually intended for our own health purposes, but can also easily be applied to the health of our homes. Changing the air filter in your home is easy, inexpensive, and very important. HVAC equipment that is functioning properly and efficiently will create optimum comfort levels in your home with minimal energy cost to you, the homeowner.

Air filters should be changed once a month. Having a clean filter can keep heating and cooling costs down significantly. A filter clogged with dust makes the unit work harder, thus upping your cost. If the air filter is dirty and the unit has to work harder it will take longer for the house to heat in the winter and cool in the summer. You will be running a machine inefficiently and longer than necessary. The cost of a new filter is well worth it when you consider the value in energy savings.

St. Michael Air Filter ReplacementChanging the air filter on a regular basis will extend the life of the HVAC unit and minimize the need for repairs. The filter is in place to protect the inner workings of the unit. If dirt is allowed to accumulate on the motor and other inner components, everything has to work harder. It may eventually malfunction or stop working altogether.

Finally, the filter is in place to protect the HVAC unit inner workings as well as the air quality in your home. Maintaining a healthy air quality is important, and virtually impossible if you have a filthy filter. This is an especially important consideration if you have pets in your home. Pet dander can collect very rapidly on unchanged filters. If people in your home are affected by asthma or allergies, the necessity of changing the air filter is increased even more. A dirty air filter will disperse dust and allergens throughout the house, compromising the health of individuals living there.

While changing the air filter is something easy and inexpensive you, as a homeowner, can do on a regular basis, it is a good idea to have a licensed HVAC specialist out before winter heating and summer cooling months. They can make sure your unit is in optimal operating condition as well as give you hints to help keep your unit running well.

Do you need to change the air filter in your AC unit? Call B & D Plumbing, Heating & A/C at (763) 497-2290 and get started today!