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Why are my Drains Clogged? 


St. Michael PlumberHow Do I Prevent My Drains From Becoming Clogged?

Clogged drains are annoying and can cause frustration. Everybody has experienced clogged drains at some point in their life in the kitchen, bath or shower. Why do your drains become clogged in the first place? What steps can you take to prevent a pesky clog from occurring in your home?

To begin, why do drains become clogged? The answer to this question is how drains are used. Water is not the only thing that is flushed down most drains. Food particles such as seeds, shells, and skins from fruits, nuts and vegetables can go down your kitchen drain and create a clog. If grease or oil is poured down a drain it can stick to the pipes under the drain.

Food particles and other objects can also become stuck to the sticky oil or grease. Over time the oil and grease can accumulate, and a clog can result. In the bathroom clumps of hair and soap scum can be responsible for clogs. We all lose hair and the shower is a spot where a lot of hair can be dropped. If enough hair accumulates in a drain or a pipe a clog can result. Soap scum is a result of shampoos and body washes mixing with water and leaving a residue.

Other Possibilities 

Mineral buildup is another possible culprit for clogs in showers and sinks. Mineral buildup is a problem for locations that have hard water. Mineral buildup is a hard often crusty buildup of minerals in pipes that can cause clogs. Other objects such as toys, rocks, jewelry, and dirt can fall into a drain and create a clog.

So what can you do to prevent clogs from occurring? If you are going to dump food scraps and leftovers down your drain use a garbage disposal system to shred the food into small particles that will be flushed down the pipes. Remember to run cold water when you are turning on the garbage disposal system on to shred scraps of food. Use sink strainers in drains. They keep large particles out of your drain.

Keep them clean. Use screen covers in the shower to keep hair and other objects out of your drain and clean them frequently. Don't dump grease down the drain. Let it cool, and throw away in the garbage. Don't dump hard objects that can get stuck in drains and pipes such as shells and coffee grindings.

Hiring a plumber to perform to perform an inspection of your plumbing can help you spot buildup in your plumbing system.

Who to Call?

Drain CleaningPlumbers can also clean and flush out your pipes to ensure that your plumbing system is operating smoothly. If you have your own home septic system it is suggested and it many locations required that you have your septic system inspected every 2-3 years.

Inspections can spot problems, and allow you to address problems such as mineral buildup, sewage blockages, and any other problems that can create clogs.

Is your Drain clogged in your St. Michael home? Pick up the phone and Call B & D Plumbing, Heating & A/C at (763) 497-2290 now, and get the quality plumbing services you deserve.