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What Are the Benefits of Mini Split Installation? 

Ductless mini splits focus on regulating the temperature and air quality of certain rooms or "zones." Unlike centralized AC systems, they don't rely on ductwork to funnel controlled air from one room to the next. Instead, they rely on both indoor and outdoor components. 

The strength of a mini-split system is measured in British thermal units (BTUs). For instance, a 6,000-BTU mini split system can cool a 250-square-foot area. Many homeowners prefer these systems to ductwork-reliant appliances because: 

They Help Homeowners Save Money 

billTo understand how ductless mini-split systems save money, it's a good idea to understand the ductwork in the first place. Ducts are narrow passageways that direct air to different parts of the home. While in the ducts, the air can lose coolness or heat, affecting the AC unit's efficiency

The U.S. Department of Energy notes that 30 percent of a home's energy consumption gets lost in the ductwork–especially if it's located in an attic. Controlled air can escape the ductwork or otherwise change temperatures in transit. Yet, because ductless mini splits don't rely on ductwork, they minimize heating and cooling loss, saving homeowners money and promoting better efficiency. 

Moreover, these systems are also cheaper than centralized AC systems because they don't require homeowners to install ductwork or have the foundation for these units in place. Mini split systems' flexibility and cost efficiency are two of the many reasons why homeowners choose to install them over centralized AC systems. 

These Systems Are Straightforward to Install 

acImagine two homes. They were built in the early 20th century and don't have ductwork. One homeowner installs a duct-reliant HVAC system, while the other uses a ductless mini-split system. Here's what the two can expect: 

  • The ductwork system needs ductwork. So, an HVAC professional must remove portions of the walls and ceilings to install these ducts. Not only can this prove time-consuming, but it can temporarily displace homeowners while construction is underway. 
  • A mini-split system does not rely on ducts. Here, installation is fairly simple. An HVAC specialist finds the ideal location for the unit, then installs it. They don't have to tear apart the house to install ductwork. 

A ductless mini-split system is the way to go if a homeowner is looking for a convenient yet effective way to cool their home. A trained HVAC specialist can assess one's heating and cooling needs, then explain what comes next. 

They Offer Improved Indoor Air Quality 

Mini-split systems offer homeowners more control over their residences' indoor air quality. Here's why: 

  • Because these units focus on cooling "zones" and not the entire home, residents can create the perfect temperature for their bedroom or office. 
  • Many bacteria and allergens can fester in ductwork, causing residents to suffer respiratory problems like coughing and sneezing. That's not an issue with mini-split systems. 

Many modern ductless systems are compatible with smartphone apps. This gives homeowners even more control over a room's temperature and humidity. 

About B & D Plumbing, Heating & A/C 

B & D Plumbing, Heating & A/C has served over 10,000 families. They offer a small-town touch with big industry knowledge. Whether a homeowner in St. Michael, MN, needs help with a clogged toilet or a new AC system, these professionals can help. One can call today to make a mini-split service appointment or schedule one online.