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Tips for Having Fun in the Summer Without Wasting Water


Summer is here, so it’s time to kick back, relax and take in all that this special season has to offer. As a pragmatic homeowner, you might be concerned about the increase in water use.

Summer invariably brings this because of lawn and garden care, as well as for outdoor play and leisure. Rest assured that with a little foresight your water consumption can remain steady.

You’ve just got to cut back elsewhere. Here are some easy-to-follow tips that will let you have fun this summer without wasting water.

Your Backyard Oasis

Do you have a backyard pool? Include a visual inspection with your ongoing maintenance to make sure that water isn’t leaking out of the foundation or liner.

If you don’t have a pool, you can still have lots of water fun in your own yard. If you are inclined to lie back in your hammock and enjoy a good book and a cold drink, fill a spray bottle and keep it handy to cool yourself down.

If you are feeling more active, build a backyard water park. Use a plastic sheet sprayed with baby shampoo for a DIY water slide.

You can create water “pillows” by taping together two plastic sheets and filling them with water. Create a sprinkler shower by punching holes in an empty water bottle and attaching it to your hose. You can hold it over you for a cool shower (this is useful to water your garden too).

Conserve Water so you can Have Fun

To create room in your water “allowance” for more fun, find other ways to cut back around the house. Only run the dishwasher and washing machine when full.

Skip the extra rinse cycles on your washer. Don’t wash bath towels every day. Take shorter showers.

Only fill pots with enough liquid to boil what you need. Don’t run the water to defrost food; use the microwave instead.

Be Mindful Using Your Sprinkler

Your sprinkler is a great tool to keep your lawn and garden in tip top shape, but you’ve got to plan how you use it.

Only water when you really need it. Keep your watering hours to the early morning or evening, when less water evaporates.

If the kids are planning on running through the sprinkler, have them do so where your grass is most dry. Do you have a pet? Wash them on the lawn so you can use the same water for two jobs.